Dr Erik Dalton....
Hear information from the guru of MAT.......

Upper Crossed Syndrome.
This is the position that many of us have found we are stuck. Technology is a culprit in creating cervical-amnesia. MAT can help create strength in the weak muscles and lengthen the tight muscles. Make an appointment today with Lissa at 618-979-7330.
Lower Cross Syndrome

MAT can help break the unhealthy habitual patterns in the brain and restore functional patterns that effect your structure and movement. The goal is to move freely and pain-free everyday.
What people say about Myoskeletal Alignment Therapy
"I am not exactly sure what Lissa does on the table. I just know it works and I feel amazing. Be prepared, she does give you homework." John
"Lissa has taught me that maintenance is much better than a 'rescue-session' as she calls it......a rescue-session is when I wait too long to come in for a MAT session." Sharon
"Lissa has taught me that maintenance is much better than a 'rescue-session' as she calls it......a rescue-session is when I wait too long to come in for a MAT session." Sharon